• Places to go

    Winter vacation

    This year has been… different.. for everyone. We have planned and replanned so many vacations this year we have lost count. For our winter vacation we were going to do pack up and go. It is a super cool company that plans secret vacations. You don’t know where you are going until you get to the airport and open the envelope. Unfortunately with the pandemic numbers what they are we didn’t think it was a good idea. So we are doing a surprise for the kids (DONT TELL THEM). We rented a RV and booked some camp sites. We are going to start outside of Marianna to catch the Florida Caves then we are going to head to Georgia for the little grand canyon and end in the okefenokee state park. Pray for us =)

  • Uncategorized

    Disney in the pandemic

    We have gone to disney many times since the pandemic began. We love it. The crowds have gotten heavier but it is still way way less than before. Everyone wears masks which is hot and annoying but worth it to go to disney. One time we even got to go with friends.